This Months Sky

January 2025 (scroll down the page for the latest months)

2nd The moon Ganymede is occulted by Jupiter after which Io transits the planet after which Ganymede’s shadow  appears a couple of hours later, then followed by an eclipse by Jupiter on Ganymede.
3rd As the evening twilight fades away, mag. -4.3 Venus can be seen at just under 2 degrees north-north west of a waxing crescent Moon. The Quadrantid meteor shower peaks tonight.
4th  The Earth is at perihelion today (when it is closest to the Sun) and Saturn is occulted by a waxing crescent Moon.
6th  Two clair-obscure effects to be seen on the Moons surface, these are the Lunar X and V.
7th Titan’s shadow transits Saturn just after sunset and another clair-obscure effect is seen, the Eyes of Clavius at around midnight.
9th The Moon approaches the Pleiades open cluster and will pass over some of the brighter stars early on the 10th
10th Venus reaches its greatest eastern elongation, 47.2 degree separation from the Sun
12th  Venus appears as 50% (Dichotomy) after which it will be seen as a crescent
13th Once again Ganymede will shadow transit Jupiter, to be seen 15:00
14th Mars at mag. -1.4 can be seen 10 arcminutes north of the Moons northern limb
16th Mars stil at mag. -1.4 will be at opposition
18th Venus will be shining bright at 2.2 degrees north of the dimmer Saturn
20th Ganymede is first seen transiting Jupiter in the early evening with a shadow transit over midnight
23rd  The Galilean moon Callisto is to be seen at 3 arcseconds below Jupiters southern pole in the morning
25th Owing to lunar libration the large lunar sea ‘Mare Orientale’ can be seen in better detail on the Moons surface
27th Ganymede and it shadow make 2 separate transits of Jupiter
28th As the Moon is not ‘out’ this evening and if the sky is clear, it is a good opportunity to view the Sword of Orion and the  ‘Orion Nebula’ (M42) as it sits high in the sky
31st Around midday with the right viewing conditions it may be possible to see the occultation of the moon Titan on Saturn’s northern limb. Titan will disappear behind Saturn and later reappear 

February 2025

1st Venus and Saturn are naked eye visible in the evening twilight whilst Neptune needs at least binoculars to spot it. The Moon is a 12% lit waxing crescent.
4th Ganymede can be seen transiting Jupiter after midnight.
5th The Moon is a 55% lit waxing gibbous and will sit 4.1 degree north of the planet Uranus seen at mag. +5.7.  A clair-obscur effect ‘Stars of Aristillus’ (in the crater called Aristillus) can also be seen on the lunar surface in the late evening.
6th The Moons libration effect will allow better visibility of a cluster of dark lava filled craters in the south east region for example the craters Lyot, Oken and Jeans.
7th After midnight the 69% lit waxing Moon will sit 4.8 degree north of the planet Jupiter which is at mag. -2.3.
8th Jupiters moon Callisto will sit 3 arcseconds south of the southern pole in early evening. For those keen daylight observers you might be able to catch the moon Titan transiting Saturn in the afternoon and its shadow from midday to evening time.
9th Magnitude -0.8 Mars will lie approx. 4.8 arcminutes south of the Moons southern edge in the early evening.
10th The planet Venus will appear 30% illuminated when viewed through the eyepiece with its apparent diameter at 36 arcseconds.
12th The minor planet 29 Amphitrite reaches opposition today.
13th After midnight, mag. +1.3 Regulus (Alpha Leonis) sits 1.2 degree south of the Moons southern edge.
14th Another clair-obscur effect on the Moon in the early hours of the morning that resembles a set of steps and known as the ‘Zeno Steps’, as it appears in the 65km crater called Zeno.
17th A 25% illuminated Venus is to be seen this evening through the eyepiece with an apparent diameter of 40 arcseconds.
20th With the hope of a clear evening, the Beehive Cluster (M44) should be visible as the Moon will not be seen this evening. Binoculars as a minimum will be required.
22nd The planet Venus will appear at 20% illumination as a stunning crescent with an apparent diameter of 44 arcseconds.
24th There is another Titan shadow crossing over the Saturn surface that starts just after midday and the shadow can be seen into mid evening.
25th The moon Ganymede transits Jupiter during the evening with the moon Europa keeping up with it and then its shadow is seen later whilst another moon, Io, undergoes an occultation.
27th Venus this evening is seen as 15% illuminated with an apparent diameter of 47 arcseconds.
28th Spotting a thin Moon, at less than 1% lit waving crescent, may be possible 50 minutes after the Sun has set.

March 2025 (to follow soon …)

Source: Unless specified otherwise the above detail is taken from the BBC Sky At Night magazine for that month, the exact timings have been left out to encourage members to seek out the data for themselves.

Brian Shepherd