DAS Previous Speakers
Shaun Reynolds, presents his talk to DAS concerning “Astrophotography.”, at Club 39, on 10th March. Photo: Paul Booker.
Dr. Steven Parsons, presents his talk to DAS concerning “White Dwarfs-Planets in the Stellar Graveyard.”, at Club 39, on 25th February. Photo: Paul Booker.
Roy Gunson, presents his talk to DAS concerning “Venus.”, at Club 39, on 11th February. Photo: Paul Booker.
Dr. Katharine Johnston (Leeds University), presents her talk to DAS concerning “Unravelling massive star birth with ALMA.”, at Club 39, on 28th January. Photo: Paul Booker.
Sam Walton (UCL Mullard Space Science Lab) presents his talk to DAS concerning “Space Weather”, at Club 39, on 14th January. Photo: Paul Booker.
Visiting Speakers 2019
Dr. Susan Cartwright (Sheffield University) presents her talk to DAS concerning “Galaxies to Atoms”, at Club 39, on 26th November. Photo: Paul Booker.
Dr. Peter Lloyd (DAS member) presents his talk to DAS concerning “Where Did That Come From?”, at Club 39, on 12th November. Photo: Paul Booker.
Prof. Brad Gibson (Hull University) presents his talk to DAS concerning “The Surprising Ways in Which (Astro)physicists Control your Life…”, at Club 39, on 22nd October. Photo: Paul Booker.
Prof. Brad Gibson with one of his Students at the same presentation, at Club 39, on 22nd October. Photo: Paul Booker.
Dr. Julian Onions (Nottingham University) presents his talk to DAS concerning “Things that go bang in the Night Sky”, at Club 39, on 9th October. Photo: Paul Booker.
Phil Muffet (Mexbrough & Swinton Astronomical Society) presents his talk to DAS concerning “Scanning for Meteors”, at Club 39, on 24th September. Photo: Paul Booker.
Gerard Gilligan (Liverpool Astronomical Society) presents his talk to DAS concerning “William Lassell, Telescopes & Planets & Drinking Beer”, at Club 39, on 10th September. Photo: Paul Booker.
Jacob Kegerreis (Durham University) “Planetary Giant Impacts, Supercomputer Simulations & How Uranus Fell Over.”, at Club 39, on 9th July. Photo: Paul Booker.
Prof. Richard Stephenson (Durham University) presents his talk to DAS concerning “Historical Eclipses and the Earth’s Rotation”, at Club 39, on 25th June. Photo: Paul Booker.
John Cox (DAS member) presents his talk “All About Double Stars”, to the Society at Club 39, our new location on 11th June. Photo: Paul Booker.
Dr. Simon Joyce (University of Leicester) presents his talk to DAS concerning “White Dwarf Stars”, at Church House, 9th May. Photo: Paul Booker.
Prof. Chris Done (Durham University) about to present her talk “Extrasolar Planets & Extraterrestial Life”, at Church House, 25th April. Photo: Paul Booker.
Dr. Emily Brunsden (York University), discussing her presentation “The Music of the Stars” with DAS member Paul Henderson at our meeting of 3rd March. Photo: Paul Booker.